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A member of the Good Business Charter

Good Business Charter Logo
Good Business Charter Logo

Ethics and integrity in business.

We put people and planet before profit. Being a member of the Good Business Charter means we’ve made a commitment to their 10 components:

The 10 components of good business

Paying the real Living Wage

We pay our employees and regularly contracted staff the real living wage as defined by the Living Wage Foundation.

Fair hours and contracts

We don’t use zero or minimal hours contracts and we believe employment should work for the employee as well as the employer.

Employee wellbeing

We actively support and encourage employee well-being. We look after our staff and we know we can all be under the weather at times. Those with legitimate sickness are treated fairly, respectfully and with kindness. We promote access to impartial support and advice for employees with physical and mental health needs.

Employee representation

Our employees are welcome to make suggestions and raise issues with senior management - their views and opinions provide an invaluable steer on how we work. While trade unions don’t appear to be much of a thing in our particular world of work, we believe they play an important role in ensuring fair terms and conditions for workers. And we’re big fans of the legend that is Mick Lynch.

Diversity and inclusion

We believe in diversity and inclusion and we are committed to being a fair, equal opportunities employer. We have robust measures in place to prevent harassment or victimisation in the workplace and will provide independent third-party support if it were ever necessary.

Environmental responsibility

We believe businesses have a responsibility to put the planet before profit. While we have a relatively small carbon footprint we’re well-aware of the internet’s impact on the environment. We know we can do better. We’re beginning our journey to net zero and soon, we’ll have an action plan to reach net zero as soon as we possibly can.

Pay fair tax

We pay our taxes and only use tax allowances for their intended purpose. Let’s face it, the UK would be a much better place if we all did the same. We are fully transparent in our relationship with HMRC and we take the advice of our awesome accountants to make sure we play by the rules.

Tax can be complicated. The rules change and it can be hard to keep up-to-date with the latest regulations, especially in light of the relentless, successive government... ahem, 'nuff said.

Commitment to customers

We want to do the right thing by our clients, so meeting their expectations is our number-one priority. We ensure they know who to speak to about any problems that arise and we will always work constructively to resolve issues fairly and with care. Our conscience and reputation demand it. The procedure for making suggestions and raising complaints is written into our contracts.

Ethical sourcing

We do our best to source things ethically. We believe in doing business with ethical providers and we’ll always aim to choose suppliers that are align with our values.

Prompt payment

We pay our suppliers promptly, always aiming to pay invoices within 30 days. As a small business ourselves, we rely on our clients to do the same.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about our ethical approach to doing business, please email us.

Or you can find more information about The Good Business Charter.