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Search to the rescue

Still haven’t found what you’re looking for? Search to the rescue…

29 Jan 2024 - Tech

Does your website have a global audience?

This week we’re integrating Wagtail’s Internationalisation feature and AWS translate to deliver multi-language support for one of our awesome clients.

Their whole website will get automatically translated in a way that still allows their editorial team to be fully in control. This means cost-effective multi-language translation with the flexibility to correct for anything that gets lost in automatic translation.

Design systems

Four reasons we use design systems

A smart approach to designing sustainable websites


Up, up and away with Wagtail 4

Wagtail 4 has arrived! What better way to get started than to upgrade the Cursive website?

26 Jan 2024 - Tech

Do you get useful insights from your data?

Most service business will be using some combination of time tracking, invoicing, project management and sales pipeline softwares. But how do you get quality management information from it all?

Our agency dashboard is pulling together data from Harvest, Xero, Github and and it’s giving us amazing real-time insights to help us track progress against our targets.

We Love Wagtail

We love Wagtail - here’s why

It stands head and wings above the rest because it is built around user experience and simplicity logo
Tech - a picture is worth a thousand words

We built an app to create great looking and functional interactive charts, graphs and plots with ease

Sustainable software

Software stamina

The life expectancy of a project can be a footnote in the procurement process. It shouldn’t be, lets talk about putting our best foot forwards

Wagtail caching

Wagtail caching and knowing how to let go

Nobody likes a slow website, right? But caching can be hard to get right, so here’s our guide

We used to be Plump
Our news

We used to be Plump - so what’s changed?

It’s the start of an exciting new chapter. We are now Cursive