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The internet has an enormous carbon footprint and it’s continually growing with the number of connected devices increasing, the amount we’re streaming and the number of power-hungry AI services that are transforming how we live and work further. So it’s more important than ever to take our impact on the environment seriously and put our capabilities to good use.

We’re in a unique position to help our clients reduce the carbon footprint of their websites and as their agency, we should be taking a responsible approach to giving the best advice we can.

Greener websites perform better

As a natural byproduct of making websites greener, the improvements we make offer quicker load times and therefore a better user experience. This in turn offers SEO benefits because search engines favour sites that load quickly. Everyone wins.

Here’s how it works



Our audit measures carbon impact across a range of factors. Some will be more relevant and impactful than others depending on your website, content, user habits etc. 



We’ll produce a detailed report that sets out the current performance where the shortfalls are and what opportunities we have to make a difference. We’ll assess how much of a difference we stand to make and outline the quick wins: where we can make the most impact with the least effort.

As with all optimisation work, a little effort can go a long way but the devil is in the detail when pushing for the final few perfection points. So we’ll work with you to find the right balance and make sure our proposals are estimated so you have what you need to make well-informed decisions on where your budget should be spent.



We’ll spend 4 hours delivering the “quick wins” optimisations. The audit will likely uncover opportunities that take more time to deliver – working through the usual you’re used to us working.



We’ll turn the audit tools back on the site so we can measure what difference we’ve made.


Celebrate & share

For many of our clients making these efforts will be an important, positive message to tell the world. It could be from an investor relations perspective. It could be to demonstrate your commitment to net zero. It could work from a recruitment and employee engagement perspective. We’re here to back up your message with the right detail to make clear what we’ve achieved. We can even add a little badge to the footer of your website as proof of the good work we’ve done.

What you can expect

  • We’ll only propose doing a green audit if we’re confident we can improve your site’s score. If it ‘aint broke, we won’t fix it.
  • We’ll use the best tools and up-to-date research to establish your site’s performance and guide the recommendations we make.
  • Our recommendations will be tailored to your website and the opportunities we have to make improvements. We won't propose ideas that won’t work for your site.

Need help to make your website greener?

Get in touch